Books and Products Recommendations

I have complied a few of my favorite resources/ recommendations here. This list is not at all exhaustive, but only selected items have been listed. Be sure to periodically revisit, as I will be constantly updating this page!

You are not obligated to buy anything through these links, but for your shopping convenience, I have included Amazon Affiliate links to some of the above.  (By purchasing items through these links, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.  This will help offset the costs for running the blog. Thank you!)


Kids Books/(Christian/ Virtues)


Homeschool help books

Books to help along the homeschool journey…..


Parenting help books

Books to help us be the best parents we can….


Help for Homeschooling High-School

Encouragement and tips for the high-school homeschool years….


Books for Moms

A happy mom is good for everyone 😅


Kitchen Appliances

To increase efficiency in the kitchen….